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Becoming aware of a mouse infestation, whether at home or in a business, can be a very distressing thing. Mice are agile, elusive and breed very rapidly. Their constant need for food and frequent defecation means they pose health risks – particularly where food is prepared or stored. Due to their ability to multiply very quickly, at the first signs of their presence pest control measures should be instigated.

Mice infestations can cause:

  • Contamination of foodstuffs, which in turn can lead to the transmission of potentially fatal diseases
  • Severe damage to property, including damage to the very fabric of a building. Much of the damage, including that of possibly starting fires, comes from the need for mice to constantly gnaw surrounding objects.
  • Damage to business brand and reputation.
  • Quick and effective treatment of mouse infestation is a necessity. Due to their ability to exponentially breed, a small problem with mice can soon become a major one. All Summit Pest Control technicians are British Pest Control Association (BPCA) certified. This ensures training at the very highest level and means that our technicians can provide fast, discreet and highly effective pest control.


However unpleasant a mouse infestation might be, an infestation with rats or even the presence of a solitary rat is a problem of far greater magnitude.

Rats cause all the problems that mice cause to a property, but in a far greater magnitude. Rats have been known to gnaw through floor joists, pipes, floorboards, door and soil pipes.

They will use items of clothing and furnishings to make their nest, move through floor, ceiling and wall cavities. They pose a bite risk to both pets and humans. These bites can transmit life-threatening conditions Leptospirosis and Salmonellosis; as does their contamination of foodstuffs.


Many homeowners view squirrels as essentially harmless – cute even. Grey Squirrels, should be seen for what they are: an invasive disease-carrying, non-native species. They can be responsible for property damage and, if cornered, can be very aggressive. If nesting squirrels gain access to a loft space then can prove to be a highly damaging and hard to remove the pest, as they have been known to cause damage to wiring cables, plumbing pipes, timbers and loft installation.

In our professional experience, putting aside their perceived cuteness, squirrels often prove to be a costly and highly unpleasant pest in a home or business. Quickly taking action will reduce the amount of damage from the squirrels and save you money.

Rodent Proofing

Having rats in your home or business premises can be a highly unpleasant thing. Thankfully there are steps you can take to prevent rats from gaining access to your premises.

The first of these steps is the denial of food and water. Although rats will eat almost anything, they like to eat small amounts of food often, and they want their diets to be varied. With this in mind, foodstuffs should be kept in glass or metal containers with firmly sealed lids. Rubbish should be placed in sturdy sealed containers.

Pet food and bird feeders are another likely source of food for rats. Care should be used when feeding birds and seed debris should be removed.

Gardens should be kept free from debris, and it should be remembered that compost heaps rich in food waste can attract rodents.

Rats are nimble and agile, black rats, in particular, are excellent climbers. Holes such as those around waste outlets should be fully sealed. Brown rats will burrow and make their nests under walls, sheds and decking.

Summit Pest Control offer a full survey and rat-proofing service. If you even suspect the presence of rats in your property you should call Summit Pest Control today on 0800 4148 007

If you have an emergency pest control situation, don’t hesitate to call our 24/7 rapid response service on 0800 4148 007

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